Quilttermen – alle quilt begrippen kort uitgelegd
Alles wat je wilt weten over quilten en patchwork, tref je hier aan. Ben je op zoek naar de betekenis van een specifieke quiltterm? Hier vindt u een uitgebreid overzicht van woorden die te maken hebben met patchwork en quilten, met hun betekenis, op alfabetische volgorde.
- A
- Accentsteek
- Advanced Quilter
- Afrikaans-Amerikaanse Quilts
- Album Quilt
- All-over quilting
- Amish Quilt
- Applique
- Appretuur
- Art Quilt
- Assembly Piecing
- Attic Window Quilt Pattern
- B
- Backing
- Bagging
- Baltimore Album Quilts
- Bargello
- Basting
- Batik Batting
- Batting
- Bearding
- Bella Bella Mozaïek
- Betweens
- Bias
- Big stitch
- Binding
- Birthing a quilt
- Blindstitch
- Blocking
- Blok
- Boordsel
- Boordsteek
- Border
- Broderie Perse
- C
- Calico
- Cathedral Window Quilt
- Chain sewing
- Challenge
- Charm Pack
- Charm quilt
- Cheater’s cloth
- Civil War Quilt
- Clamshell
- Confetti
- Contemporary quilts
- Corner Square
- Crazy Quilt
- Crib size
- Cross-Hatching
- Curved basting pins
- D
- Denier
- Disappearing Nine Patch
- Double Wedding Ring
- Draad opnaaien
- Draadrichting
- Dresden Plate
- Drunkard’s Path
- E
- Ease
- Echo Quilting
- Effen weefsel
- Embellishments
- English Paper Piecing
- EQ or EQ6
- F
- Fat Eighth 1/8th
- Fat Quarter
- Feedsacks
- Finger Pressing
- Finished Size
- Flying Geese
- Foundation piecing
- Four-Patch Block
- FQ
- Free-Motion Quilting
- Freezer paper appliqu
- French binding
- Friendship Quilt
- Fusibles
- Fussy Cut
- G
- Gauge
- Gepaspelde naad
- Glazed Finish
- Grain
- Greige goods
- H
- Half Square Triangle (HST)
- Hand-Quilting Stitch
- Hanging Sleeve
- Hawaiiaans patchwork
- Hera
- Hexagon
- Homespun Fabric
- Homespun Magazine
- Hourglass Quilt
- I
- Ikat
- Improvisational Quilts
- In the Ditch Quilting
- Inslag
- Irish chain
- J
- Japans vlechtwerk
- K
- Kente stof
- Kuba stof
- L
- Label
- Lap quilting
- Lattice
- LeMoyne Star
- Linsey-woolsey’s
- Little quilt of love
- Loft
- Log Cabin
- Longarm Quiltmachine / Longarm Quilting
- Losgeweven linnen
- M
- Mal
- Mat borduurgaren
- Matching points
- Meanderen
- Medallion Quilt
- Memory Quilt
- Mercerized Cotton
- Miniature Quilts or Mini Quilts
- Mitered corner
- Molas
- Motief
- Motiefsteek
- Mud Cloth / Bogolanfini
- Muslin / Mousseline
- Mystery Quilt
- N
- Needle-Punched Batting
- Nine-Patch Block
- Novelty Print
- O
- On Point
- Onderlaag
- One-Patch
- Oplosbaar mousseline
- Opportunity Quilt
- Outline Quilting
- Overallpatronen
- Overlappende steken
- P
- Panel Quilt
- Paper Piecing
- Patch
- Patchwork
- Pebbling
- Penny Squares
- Perl katoen
- PFD Fabric
- Pieced Border
- Piecing
- Pin-baste
- Prairie Points
- Pressing
- Priem
- Q
- Quillow
- Quilt As You Go
- Quilt Sandwich
- Quilt Sleeve
- Quilt Top
- Quilter’s Guild
- Quilting / Quilten
- Quilting Frame
- Quilting Hoop
- Quiltmachine (of Longarm Quiltmachine)
- Quiltvoetje
- R
- Raam
- Randsteek
- Raw Edge
- Redwork
- Repeat
- Reverse appliqu
- Ricky Tims
- Rijglijn
- Rijgnaald
- Rotary Cutter and Mat
- Rotary Ruler
- Running Stitch
- S
- Sampler Quilt
- Sandwich
- Sashiko quilting
- Sashing
- Satin Stitch
- Schaduwborduurwerk
- Schering
- Scrap Quilt
- Seam Allowance
- Selvage or Selvedge
- Seminole Piecing
- Setting
- Shadow Applique
- Sharps
- Signature Quilt
- Splitgaren
- Splitzijde
- Stack and Whack
- Stained Glass Technique
- Stippling
- Stitch in the ditch
- Stopvoetje
- Strip Piecing
- Summer Quilt
- T
- Tacking Gun
- Tapisserienaald
- Template
- Thangles
- Thimble
- Transferprinting
- Transporteur / Feed Dog
- Trapunto
- Troostdekentje
- Tumbling blocks
- Tying a quilt
- U
- Utility Quilt
- V
- Versnijtechniek
- Verstek
- Vulling voor een quilt
- W
- Wadding
- Wall Quilt
- Warp
- Wasdraad
- Watercolor Quilt
- Wattering of wattenvulling
- Weft
- White work
- Wholecloth Quilt
- Z
- Zaans stikwerk
- Zelfkant